Decaf Blends & Varietals

We give the same great care and love when we craft our decaffeinated coffees as we do with our regular coffees. There are a few different ways in which coffee beans can be stripped of their caffeine. These processes add significant costs to the production of the coffee. When a company uses a quality decaffeinated coffee bean, typically the sale price will be slightly higher than their regular strength counterpart. We choose only premium decaffeinated beans when we consider what coffees we will offer. We only use Swiss Water Process Decaffeinated Beans for our Decaffeinated Varietals And Blends. Our flavored decaffeinated coffees utilize methylene chloride processed beans. This is a very safe solvent when used to remove the caffeine from your coffee. Australia allows 2 parts per million of the solvent to remain on the coffee when it is imported into the country. The United States allows 10 parts per million. Both countries use the same coffee, so we are led to believe that our US imported MC decafs are at 2 parts per million max. Most of the solvent processed coffee that we use is first imported to Germany, where they strip the caffeine, and then re bag the coffee and ship it to the other countries from there. The solvent entirely burns off at about 200 degrees. We bring all of our decaf coffee to over 400 degrees during the roasting process, so there is little chance for any residuals to remain. It is completely safe and regulated. The cell structure in Swiss Water Processed coffee is very tight and does not allow the flavoring to fully penetrate into the beans. This results in weak flavored, flavored coffees. So we save the Swiss Water Coffee for our decaf blends and varietals. Whether it is our decaffeinated flavored coffees or our blends and single origins, we know that you will be delighted! Your satisfaction is our guarantee!