Dark Roasts

 Dark roasted coffee is simply that... Dark roasted coffee! But, is it really that simple? No. No it's not! Not all types of coffee are suitable to be dark roasted. Our dark roasted coffees have taken quite a few years of trial and error to master. The perfect dark roast is created when the sugars within the beans start to caramelize and rise to the surface. The longer the beans roast, the more sugars rise. This creates an oily bean sheen that lovers of the dark crave! This happens when you roast the beans with a hotter temperature and roast for a bit longer. It's a very specialized process that takes a watchful eye. It is very easy to go past a beautiful dark roast and wind up with an over roasted burnt coffee bean. The roast needs to be dropped out of the roaster at exactly the right moment. Our dark roasts are some of the very best available and we know that you will love them as much as we do! Try one of our Blends or Single Origins if you are not a fan of Dark Roasted coffee!